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Anglais Io (2015) comments upon notions of perception; the idea that the gallerists field of view can be consumed entirely in order to distort perception, dislodge sense of self, and so heighten perception. The installation aims to embody characteristics such as, impermanence, fragility, and freedom whilst drawing upon the adaptive features of the Anglais Io butterfly, of the peacock family.


As an individual interested in pattern and a collector of framed butterflies, drawn in by their impressive natural patterns, I sought after researching their purpose. The eyespot or ocellus, acts to resemble an eye of a different animal, in order to deceive potential predators and distract a predator's attention away from the wings, the most vulnerable body part. These findings confirmed my particular interest in circular rhythm in relation to the butterfly, not only literally but also as a metaphor for the butterflies repetitious life cycle. Concentric pattern is prominent within this work, as I utilise the ability of installation to overwhelm visually,  creating intimidating concentric rings, and kaleidoscopic patterns using the butterfly. The circular pattern aims to invite the viewer in drawing them into a central point, which is further emphasised by a central circle of paper cut butterflies. The work plays upon drawing the viewer in, inviting them to look closer, and in turn challenging the role of the eyespot, and as such the butterfly invites confrontation with death.


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